Labels:book | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: application of the Act in its multiple subsequent amend ments void{ing] any taint retroactivity in connection with the [gift Charle: Lowndes, Robert Kramer, John Cord Federal Estate and Gift Taxes 643 (3d 1974} Most significant here, each time that Congress has amended the statute to establish new disclaimer Tule. has followed Section 501{b}`s mandate by applying each new tule only prospectively disclaimers of interests created after eractment of the Ma rule Congress has correspondingly required that existing disclaimer rules continue 10 apply disclaimers f interests created before enactment f the new rule. This history establishes, consistent with Section 501{b} that the effectiveness of disclaimer for federal gift tax purposes asriw be measured by the rule 1n effect when disclaimant's in ...